If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're always looking for new ways to grow your business. And what better way to do that than by taking advantage of grant programs that can help fund your next big project?
It exists in Croatia grant program which specifically encourages investments by start-up small and medium-sized enterprises with projects whose technological maturity is beyond the proof-of-concept stage, but which are not yet ready for market launch. This could be the perfect opportunity for your company to get the funding it needs to take the next step.
So what are the eligibility criteria for this grant program? Primarily, eligible costs include costs related to the purchase of equipment and materials needed to implement the project, salaries of staff members working on the project, and fees for external services related to innovation (eg consulting, market research, laboratory testing).
To qualify for this grant program, your company must be based in Croatia and must have been established within the last three years. In addition, your project must have a clear commercialization plan with defined milestones and target markets.
If you think this grant program might be a good fit for your business, be sure to fill out the application form on the site and submit it before the deadline. With any luck, you'll get the funding you need to take your business to the next level!