In the orchard of the Kos family there are 1400 cherry trees, but rarely that have fruit. Those cherries that are found red they are also thick, but there are too few to go on sale with.
"Losses are almost 100 percent, what we have is for personal use. What 300 to 400 kg maximum. Of the projected, realistically projected 15.16 tons," he said Space Kos, from OPG Kos.
The Kos family has hired Qtech design to develop a pilot project for an antifrost system on 2,000 m2 of permanent cherry orchard. The pilot project defined the input parameters required for the development of a technological project for the reconstruction of a permanent plantation using a frost protection system (antifrost system).
The system in Demerje protected the cherry at -2.2 ° C with a rainfall intensity of 2.22 mm / m2 / h of water. The maximum flow of the system was 4.74 m3 / h and an all-night pressure of at least 0.5 bar on the pulsator. The accumulation required for one day of protection was 71 m3 / h of water. Energy consumption was 0.75 kW / h, which was spent on the operation of the supply water supply
Demerje OPG Svemir Kos
One agrometeorological station with equipment for meteorological monitoring and systemic monitoring of pressure within the water supply system (antifrost system and drip irrigation system) was installed within the microlocation of the system. The agrometeorological station covers the microclimate within 1 hectare of plantations.
The vision of FPS is to raise people's awareness of important microclimate change and apply new technologies for a better, sustainable and environmentally friendly way of food production. FPS creates innovative technical solutions for primary producers, and contributes to the goal of feeding 10 billion people in 2050.