Technology project Irrigation

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Irrigation system project contains a description of investment, technical-technological and production process, graphic part and type of investment (raising and equipping a new perennial plantation and / or restructuring and equipping an existing perennial plantation), description and presentation of the planned orchard location on the cadastral plan, types , varieties, rootstocks) of the fruit to which the investment relates, planting material, area of plantations to which the investment relates, analysis and preparation of soil, growing conditions (climate, soil, position, water needs, nutrients, etc.), age of plantations , cultivation system, method of maintenance and care, description and technical characteristics of individual systems and equipment of perennial plantations.

The technical part of the project includes hydraulic calculation of pipelines required for normal irrigation operation, definition of required water capacities for minimum system operation in a period of 20 days, selection of the most economically efficient water distribution system within orchards, selection of filter plant with filtration size, selection of automation operation of the system and the necessary agrometeorological stations to better predict the possibility of drought and high temperatures. This project also includes the preparation of cost estimates necessary for the procurement, construction, training and commissioning of irrigation systems. As a contribution to the project, a draft of the existing situation and the future solution of the irrigation system with all the necessary staking points of the elements for easy installation of the system is submitted.

The technological project was prepared and certified / signed by an expert in the field of agronomy and technical sciences, it refers to the user and the irrigation system at the location of the user's investment.

Calculation per m2 of the planned irrigation system